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All You Need To Know About Piedmontese beef

Piedmontese beef

All You Need to Know About Piedmontese beef.

Hey there, meat lovers! If you're a fan of beef, you've probably heard of Piedmontese beef. But what sets it apart from traditional beef? In this blog post, we're going to compare Piedmontese beef to traditional beef and find out what makes it so special.

Let's start with the basics. Piedmontese beef comes from a breed of cattle that originated in the Piedmont region of Italy. These cattle have a unique genetic makeup that gives them some distinct advantages over traditional breeds. For starters, Piedmontese cattle have a naturally occurring mutation that results in lower levels of fat and higher levels of protein in their meat.

This means that Piedmontese beef is leaner and more protein-dense than traditional beef. In fact, Piedmontese beef contains about 25% less fat than traditional beef, while still being just as flavorful and juicy. And because Piedmontese beef is so lean, it's also lower in calories and cholesterol, making it a great choice for health-conscious meat lovers.

But what about the taste? Is Piedmontese beef really that different from traditional beef? The answer is a resounding yes! Because of its unique genetic makeup, Piedmontese beef has a distinct flavor and texture that sets it apart from other types of beef.

Benefits of piedmontese meat.

So, what are some other benefits of choosing Piedmontese beef over traditional beef? For one thing, it's more sustainable. Because Piedmontese cattle are so lean, they require less feed and produce less waste than traditional cattle breeds. And because the meat is so flavorful, you don't need to eat as much of it to feel satisfied, which means you'll be able to stretch your meat budget further.

Piedmontese beef is known for its tenderness and rich, beefy flavor. The meat is also marbled with fine threads of fat, which add to its flavor and juiciness. And because the meat is so lean, it cooks quickly and evenly, making it a great choice for grilling or pan-searing.

In conclusion, Piedmontese beef is a delicious and healthy alternative to traditional beef. With its lower fat and cholesterol levels, unique flavor and tenderness, and sustainable production methods, it's no wonder that more and more meat lovers are choosing Piedmontese beef over other types of beef. So why not give it a try and taste the difference for yourself? Your taste buds (and your body) will thank you!

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Meet the Farmers Behind Your Food


Meet the Farmers Behind Your Food

Have you ever stopped to consider where your food comes from? Do you know the faces and stories behind the produce you consume? At Farmshare, we believe in connecting our customers with the farmers who grow their food. Here's a closer look at the farmers behind your food and why it matters.

Why Knowing Your Farmers is Important.

When you know the farmers behind your food, you gain a deeper understanding of where your food comes from and how it's grown. You can learn about the farming practices used, the challenges they face, and the effort that goes into growing high-quality, fresh produce.

This connection also helps to build trust between the farmer and the consumer. By getting to know the farmers behind your food, you can be confident that the produce you're consuming is of the highest quality and grown sustainably. You can also support small, local farmers and the community by choosing to buy from them.

Who are the Farmers Behind Your Food.

At Farmshare, we work with a network of local farmers to source the freshest, highest-quality produce available. Our farmers are dedicated to sustainable agriculture and growing produce that is not only delicious but also environmentally friendly.

We partner with farmers who use organic farming practices, which means they don't use harmful pesticides or chemicals in the growing process. Our farmers prioritize soil health and use techniques such as crop rotation and cover cropping to keep the soil healthy and nutrient-rich.

We also work with farmers who prioritize animal welfare and use ethical and humane practices in raising livestock. By choosing these farmers, we can offer our customers a range of organic produce and meats that are not only healthy but also ethically raised.

The Benefits of Supporting Local Farmers.

When you support local farmers, you're not only getting fresh, high-quality produce, but you're also supporting the community. Small, local farmers are often struggling to compete with large-scale industrial agriculture, and by choosing to buy from them, you're helping to keep these small businesses afloat.

In addition, buying locally helps to reduce your carbon footprint by minimising the distance your food has to travel to get to your plate. By reducing the amount of transportation required, you're helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and support a more sustainable food system.

How Farmshare Connects You with Farmers.

At Farmshare, we're committed to connecting our customers with the farmers who grow their food. Through our website and social media, we share the stories and faces of the farmers behind our produce. We also offer farm tours and events, allowing our customers to see firsthand how their food is grown and meet the farmers who grow it.

In addition, we prioritise transparency in our sourcing and production process. We share information about the farming practices used by our partners, the locations of our farms, and the delivery process used to get your produce to your door.

Order Now and Connect with Your Food.

At Farmshare, we believe in the power of connecting with the farmers behind your food. By choosing us as your produce provider, you can be confident that the food you're consuming is not only fresh and delicious but also grown sustainably by local farmers.

Order now and taste the difference of fresh, organic produce grown across the US by farmers you can trust. Visit our farms page to see the farms we work with and here are some farms you can start with.

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The Best Online Farmers Market in the US

fresh produce

The Best Online Farmers Market in the US

In recent years, the popularity of farmers markets has grown significantly, and more and more people are choosing to buy their produce directly from farmers. While traditional farmers markets are still a popular option, online farmers markets have emerged as a convenient alternative for those who want fresh, locally-sourced produce delivered to their doorstep. In this article, we will explore the best online farmers market in the US.

Fresh Direct.

Fresh Direct is an online grocer that offers a wide range of fresh produce, including fruits, vegetables, and herbs. The company sources its produce from local farmers and suppliers and delivers it to customers in several states across the US, including New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut.

In addition to fresh produce, Fresh Direct also offers a variety of other grocery items, including meat, dairy, bakery items, and prepared foods. Customers can order online and have their items delivered directly to their home or office.

Misfits Market.

Misfits Market is an online farmers market that specializes in "ugly" produce. This refers to fruits and vegetables that may not meet traditional beauty standards but are still fresh and nutritious. By sourcing and selling these "ugly" produce items, Misfits Market helps to reduce food waste and promote sustainable agriculture.

Misfits Market operates in several states across the US and offers a variety of subscription plans that include weekly deliveries of fresh produce. Customers can customize their order based on their preferences and dietary restrictions, and all items are delivered directly to their doorstep.


Farmshare is an oline farmers market that connects farmers and ranchers directly to consumers all across the US. By choosing to order from Farmshare, you are not only getting the freshest produce possible, but you are also supporting sustainable and ethical farming practices. Plus, you are reducing your carbon footprint by eliminating the need for transportation and packaging that comes with traditional grocery store shopping.

Farmshare's farm-to-table delivery service is the perfect way to get fresh, high-quality produce from farms across the US straight to your doorstep. It provides their agriculture partners with marketing resources, logistics solutions, and other operational capacities to help build and scale their online business. This gives them more time to focus on what we all care about most: producing premium food. 

Local Harvest.

LocalHarvest is an online directory that connects consumers with local farmers and producers. The website features a comprehensive directory of farmers markets, CSA programs, and other sources of locally-sourced produce. Customers can search for local producers and order fresh produce online for delivery or pick-up.

LocalHarvest operates across the US and offers a wide range of produce, including fruits, vegetables, dairy, meat, and bakery items. By supporting local farmers and producers, customers can ensure that they are getting the freshest, most nutritious produce available.


Farmigo is an online farmers market that connects consumers with local farmers and artisans. Customers can shop online for fresh produce, dairy, meat, and bakery items, all sourced from local farmers and producers. Farmigo operates in several states across the US, including California, New York, and Texas.

Farmigo offers a convenient subscription service that allows customers to receive weekly or bi-weekly deliveries of fresh produce and other items. Customers can customize their order based on their preferences and dietary restrictions, and all items are delivered directly to their doorstep.

In conclusion, online farmers markets are a convenient and sustainable way to purchase fresh, locally-sourced produce. Farmigo, Fresh Direct, Misfits Market, Farmshare and LocalHarvest are just a few examples of the best online farmers markets in the US. By supporting local farmers and producers, customers can help to promote sustainable agriculture and reduce their carbon footprint. So why not give online farmers markets a try and discover the many benefits of fresh, locally-sourced produce?

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New Technologies Farmers Can Use to Improve Crop Yield In the US.​

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New Technologies Farmers Can Use to Improve Crop Yield In the US.

Agriculture has come a long way in the past few decades, and new technologies have revolutionised the industry. Farmers are now able to use cutting-edge tools and techniques to improve crop yields and increase efficiency. In this article, we will explore some of the new technologies farmers can use to improve crop yield in the US.

1. Precision Agriculture

Precision agriculture is a farming management concept that uses data analysis and technology to optimize crop yields and reduce waste. Precision agriculture involves the use of sensors, GPS mapping, and other data collection methods to gather information about soil, weather, and crop growth. This data is then analyzed to make decisions about planting, fertilizing, and harvesting.

2. Drones

Drones are becoming an increasingly popular tool in agriculture. They can be used to survey crops, monitor plant health, and detect potential problems like pest infestations. Drones can also be used to create high-resolution maps of fields, which can help farmers to plan planting, irrigation, and harvesting.

Using drones in agriculture can save farmers time and money by reducing the need for manual labor and providing more accurate data. Drones can also help to reduce the environmental impact of farming by reducing the use of chemicals and reducing soil compaction caused by heavy machinery.

3. Autonomous Farming Equipment

Autonomous farming equipment is another technology that is becoming increasingly popular in agriculture. Autonomous tractors, for example, can be programmed to drive themselves around a field, reducing the need for manual labor. Autonomous equipment can also be used to apply inputs like fertilizer and pesticides more precisely, reducing waste and minimizing the environmental impact of farming.

4. Genetically Modified Crops

Genetically modified crops have been a controversial topic in recent years, but they can offer significant benefits to farmers. Genetically modified crops are designed to be resistant to pests and diseases, reducing the need for chemical inputs like pesticides. They can also be designed to be more drought-resistant or to have longer shelf lives, reducing waste and increasing yields.

5.Vertical Farming

Vertical farming is a method of growing crops in vertically stacked layers using artificial lighting and controlled environments. This method of farming can produce higher yields per square foot of land than traditional farming methods and can be used in urban areas where space is limited.

Vertical farming can also be used to grow crops year-round, reducing the impact of seasonal changes on crop yields. This method of farming can also reduce water usage and eliminate the need for pesticides and herbicides.

New technologies are revolutionizing the agriculture industry, and farmers in the US are using these tools to improve crop yields and reduce waste. Precision agriculture, drones, autonomous farming equipment, genetically modified crops, and vertical farming are just a few examples of the technologies that farmers are using to adapt to the challenges of modern farming. As these technologies continue to develop, the future of agriculture looks bright.

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How Climate Change Is Affecting Farming In The US.

climate change on agriculture

How Climate Change Is Affecting Farming in the US.

Farming has always been a crucial part of the United States economy. It is responsible for feeding millions of people and supporting the livelihoods of many Americans. However, climate change is affecting farming in the United States, and it is a growing concern that needs to be addressed.

We will explore the impact of climate change on farming in the United States, the challenges farmers face, and the solutions that can be implemented to overcome these challenges.

1. Changing Weather Patterns

One of the most significant impacts of climate change on farming is the changing weather patterns. Extreme weather events, such as droughts, floods, and heatwaves, are becoming more frequent and severe. These events can have devastating consequences for farmers, their crops, and livestock.

2.Crop Yields

Changing weather patterns also affect crop yields. Higher temperatures and changing precipitation patterns can cause droughts, floods, and soil erosion. These factors can reduce crop yields and even lead to crop failure. As a result, farmers may face financial difficulties, and food prices can rise.

3.Pests and Diseases​

Climate change is also increasing the prevalence of pests and diseases. Higher temperatures and changing weather patterns can create favorable conditions for pests to thrive. Pests and diseases can cause significant damage to crops and livestock, and this can have a severe impact on farmers' livelihoods.

4.Water Resources

Water resources are essential for farming, and climate change is affecting water availability. Higher temperatures and changing precipitation patterns can cause droughts, which can lead to water shortages. This can create a significant challenge for farmers who rely on irrigation to grow their crops.


The challenges that farmers face due to climate change are significant, but there are solutions that can be implemented to overcome them. One of the most critical solutions is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. By reducing emissions, we can slow down the rate of climate change and reduce its impact on farming.

Another solution is to adopt sustainable farming practices. Sustainable farming practices can help to build resilience to climate change, reduce the use of fertilizers and pesticides, and conserve water resources. For example, conservation tillage can reduce soil erosion, and cover crops can help to conserve soil moisture.

Finally, technology can also play a significant role in helping farmers adapt to climate change. Precision agriculture, for example, can help to improve crop yields and reduce water use by using sensors to monitor soil moisture and nutrient levels.

In conclusion, climate change is affecting farming in the United States, and it is a growing concern that needs to be addressed. Changing weather patterns, reduced crop yields, increased prevalence of pests and diseases, and water resource challenges are just some of the challenges farmers face. However, by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, adopting sustainable farming practices, and using technology, farmers can adapt to climate change and build resilience to its impacts.

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Fresh Organic Produce Delivered to Your Doorstep from Farmshare

fresh food to doorstep

Fresh Organic Produce Delivered to Your Doorstep from Farmshare

At Farmshare, we are passionate about bringing fresh, organic produce straight to your doorstep. Our commitment to quality, sustainability, and customer satisfaction sets us apart from the competition and has helped us establish a loyal customer base.

Why Choose Farmshare?​

Our produce is always fresh and organic, meaning that you can taste the difference in every bite. We work with local farmers to source the freshest, highest-quality produce available, which is then delivered to your door. By supporting local farmers, we not only help the environment but also the community.

In addition to the quality of our produce, we also offer a range of options to fit your specific needs. Whether you're a small family or a large business, we have a plan to fit your needs. Our subscription service allows you to choose the frequency of delivery, so you always have the fresh produce you need on hand.

Customer satisfaction is also a top priority for us. Our customer service team is always available to answer any questions or concerns you may have. We want to make sure that you are completely satisfied with your experience and the quality of our produce.

How We Deliver.

FedEx truck

Our delivery process is designed to ensure that your produce arrives at your doorstep as fresh as possible. We use refrigerated trucks to transport the produce, and our delivery team carefully packs each box to prevent any damage during transportation. We also offer flexible delivery options to fit your schedule.

We also believe in sustainability and reducing our environmental impact. Our delivery boxes are made from recyclable materials, and we encourage our customers to recycle them after use. We also minimize our carbon footprint by sourcing our produce locally and using fuel-efficient vehicles for delivery.

Why Fresh, Organic Produce is Important.

Eating fresh, organic produce has numerous health benefits. It's higher in nutrients and antioxidants than conventionally grown produce, and it's free from harmful pesticides and chemicals. Eating a diet rich in fresh produce can also help reduce the risk of chronic diseases and improve overall health.

In addition to the health benefits, supporting local farmers and sustainable agriculture helps the environment. By choosing organic produce, you're also supporting a more sustainable food system that benefits both the environment and the community.

fresh produce

Order Now and Taste the Difference

At Farmshare, we believe in the power of fresh, organic produce to transform your health and your taste buds. By choosing us as your produce provider, you're not only getting the best quality produce available, but you're also supporting local farmers and sustainable agriculture.

Order now and taste the difference for yourself. We're confident that once you try our produce, you'll never want to go back to bland, uninspired produce again.

Check out this products.

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Why Farmshare


Why You'll Love Farmshare

We love shopping at farmers markets for the meaningful relationships with local food producers and the unparalleled food quality, but our increasingly busy schedules made getting over to the market nearly impossible. We sought all the best parts of farmers markets with the convenience of online shopping. So, we created Farmshare. 

Here’s 4 reasons why you’ll love Farmshare, which also happen to be our core values:



Feel comfortable with and confident in where your food comes from and how it’s made - just like at the local farmers market. No games or gimmicks. The days of decoding convoluted certifications and labels are gone. Get to know our farmers here and order directly from them.


Farmshare levels the playing field for small, independent farmers that, until now, couldn’t compete with the pricing and distribution power of corporate food giants. We cut out all the middlemen in the food supply chain and empower you to “shake the hand that feeds you”.


Our Health

Everyone deserves easy, affordable access to steroid-free, hormone-free, and antibiotic-free meat as well as produce grown without harsh, synthetic chemicals. Farmshare only works with quality-obsessed small farmers that share our values for healthy, natural food. No more mystery meat or waxed apples. Buy better food, straight from the farm.

our planet

Our Planet

 Farmshare handpicks food producers that are passionate about safeguarding our planet through sustainable and regenerative farming practices. This means deliberate decision-making to prioritize preservation over profits, conserving our land for generations to come.

Try out some of our best selling products:

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Farmshare — Shake the hands that feed you.

farmshare banner

Farmshare — shake the hands that feed you.

Did you know farmers only makes $0.14 from every $1 you spend on food?

farmshare banner

Farmshare started with the idea that we could connect consumers directly with food producers. We started working on the idea about a year ago. We wrote some code, partnered with some amazing producers, and a year later, it’s time. We are launching the first of it’s kind, online farmers market.

We at Farmshare want to transform the way food is sold and distributed by connecting farmers and ranchers directly to consumers. By reducing the dependence on middlemen, producers can further invest in our land and create the best products in the most responsible ways. And we all benefit from healthier food at fair prices.

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Farmshare provides independent food producers with marketing and logistics solutions to help them sell online. We have partnered with FedEx to build a logistics solution that picks up straight from the farm and delivers products to customer doorsteps in 2 days or less.

By connecting you directly to the source, we can secure healthier economics for farmers, ranchers, fishers, and more. And in turn, you know exactly where your food is coming from, who produced it, and what you’re eating.

Shake the hand that feeds you.

Checkout some of our best selling products:

10lb sampler

charcutierie board

madhouse oysters

produce box

steak forward